The DiTwin kick-off meeting was held in Pesaro (Italy) on 30-31 January 2024.
The main goal of the project is to improve the effectiveness and inclusiveness of VET curricula for the achievement of competencies needed by Industry 4.0. The project intends to bridge the gap between the facilities and machinery of VET schools by exploiting the potential of the Digital Twin technology.
During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present their organisations and define the work plan for the coming months.
The topics discussed were as follows:
- Project Overview and Results, with a focus on the main work packages, including:
- the production of the DiTwin Modules (Elaboration of the DiTwin Competence Framework and the creation of Digital Twin-based training modules implementable in VET schools)
- the production of the DiTwin BackPack (Production of the Handbook, DiTwin Video tutorial, and Transnational Training Course)
- Project Dissemination and Expected Outcomes
- Administrative and supporting documents that are required for successful project management and reporting
- Quality Assurance

The partnership will now be involved in the selection of common competences needed by industry 4.0 through a questionnaire involving 15
experts of Industry 4.0 or advanced manufacturing companies in each partner country.
To stay updated on project developments, please visit the project website and social media pages (Facebook and Linkedin).