MakeMyFuture Multiplier event

The first Multiplier Event of the MakeMyFuture project was organised by Learnable in cooperation with Assindustria Consulting srl and Polo3 Fano. The event was held on 16 December at Via Tommaso Campanella, no. 1 in Fano and it lasted around 2 hours.

The event was aimed at students of the vocational training course in CAD/CAM technician in the woodworking sector and their teachers. Around 25 participants attended the event.

During the first part of the morning, Learnable presented the context within which the MakeMyFuture project was created, explaining to the participants the methodology based on making, and the need to realign the vocational training system to the requirements of Industry 4.0.
Afterward, Giulio Gabbianelli (Learnable) gave the main information on the project, duration, consortium, aims and expected results.
He then focused on the first project outcome developed (MakeMyFuture Competence Framework), presenting the content of the document and its aims to the participants.

A QA session was organised to give participants the opportunity to explore the topics of their interest in more depth.
At the end of the event, the project leaflet with all the main information was distributed.

The event was highly appreciated by the students and the teachers, who showed interest in the topic and gained knowledge about the making methodology on which the project is based.
Many of the participants also expressed a willingness to participate in the planned testing phase to help improve the results produced.

If you are interested in exploring the project, you can visit the official webpage here.
MakeMyFuture project also has a Facebook page and a Linkedin page.

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MakeMyFuture Competence Framework – First release

The first draft of the MakeMyFuture Framework was produced. The first result of the MakeMyFuture project consists of different profiles according to the areas identified by the partners as relevant to Industry 4.0. on the basis of ECVET and EQF descriptors.

Through an analysis of existing educational curricula and training programs at the national level, the partners defined a set of digital competences needed by industry 4.0.
The most relevant competences needed by Industry 4.0 in the partner countries were selected by 77 advanced manufacturing companies and 29 experts in Industry 4.0.

Based on this feedback, the partners elaborated a set of common profiles and competences needed by industry 4.0 which are in line with the national VET school curricula that are:

You can check out the English version using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
If you have any suggestions or changes to the contents of the document, please write to us at the following email address:

To discover more about the project, visit the official website.

Enjoy the reading!

B-Skills Second Transational Project Meeting

On 20 and 21 October, the second transnational meeting of the B-Skills project, of which Learnable is coordinator, was held in Faro, organised by Flow Productions at the University of the Algarve.

Each partner participated in the two-day meeting, collaborating on the main topics on the agenda.

We discussed the project activities (Management, Dissemination, Quality Assurance) and focused on the production of the B-Skills Simulator and the B-Skills MOOC and the state of the art of the B-Skills Toolkit.

We also presented a draft of the training course to be organised in Malaga next year by the University of Malaga and a draft of the pilot testing methodology.

The meeting was very useful to better define roles and responsibilities and the timetable for the coming months.

If you are interested in exploring the project, you can visit the official webpage here.
B-Skills project also has a Facebook page and a Linkedin page.

Follow us to stay up-to-date!

ACTIVE - International Teacher Training

ACTIVE – Promoting ACTIVE and Responsible Citizenship In Schools is a cooperation partnership in the School sector (KA220-SCH) funded by the Erasmus+ programme.  The project aims to empower pupils to navigate and make an understanding of the world they live in to enable them to act as active and responsible agents in a democratic society.

Learnable is formally the partner organisation responsible for hosting the International Teacher Training aimed to provide secondary teachers with knowledge and skills for implementing the Toolkit, as the first result of the project, in their classroom.

The partnership includes other 6 partners coming from 5 different countries: Gymnázium Josefa Ressela (the coordinator) and Odpovědná společnost, z. s. (Czech Republic), Learnable (Italy), ECECE (Austria), AKADEMIA WSB (Poland), and Sukromna zakladna skola Felix (Slovakia).

Only active and responsible citizens who are open to communicate despite possible differences in values and needs and are able to reflect on the (possible) impacts of their decisions and actions can sustainably guarantee democratic values and democratic society.

On 26 and 27 September, the international teacher training course organised by Learnable staff was held in Pesaro at the Liceo Classico T. Mamiani.

The training was attended by four secondary school teachers from each partner country and the project staff. In Italy, teachers from four schools in the Province of Pesaro-Urbino were involved (Liceo Classico T. Mamiani, Liceo Artistico Mengaroni, Liceo Scientifico, Musicale e Coreutico Guglielmo Marconi in Pesaro and Istituto Istruzione Superiore Polo 3 Fano).

The training focused on the methodologies and activities proposed in the Toolkit, alternating between lectures and group work in which the teachers involved proposed possible activities to be implemented in the classroom by comparing themselves with their colleagues from various European countries.

If you are interested in exploring the project, you can visit the official webpage here.

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MakeMyFuture: the first steps in creating the Competence Framework

Photo by Vaclav on Unsplash

The first result of the MakeMyFuture project is the Competence Framework based on ECVET and EQF descriptors that will define different profiles according to the areas identified by the partners as relevant for Industry 4.0.

The partnership has already carried out two of the tasks for the creation of the Competence Framework.

In particular, a desk analysis was carried out in each partner country with the aim of selecting and analysing the profiles and skills needed for Industry 4.0 through curricular and educational pathways.

After this phase, Learnable as the leader of this output created an online questionnaire that was submitted to 15 companies or Industry 4.0 experts in each partner country to select the common and most important competences.

Already next week, the results collected during the questionnaires will be analysed and 5 interviews with companies or experts in the Industry 4.0 and/or VET sector will be organised in each partner country to validate the results.

To discover more about the project, visit the official website.

B-Skills - Kick-off meeting

B-Skills – Upskilling adults learners with Blockchain basic skills is a cooperation partnership in Adult education (KA220-ADU) funded by the Erasmus+ programme.  The project aims at supporting educators and adult learners (Target groups) with training and supporting materials for the achievement of basic digital skills related to blockchain technology. The adult learners will achieve these fundamental skills through flexible and motivating training paths, materials and tools to prepare them for taking advantage of blockchain technology in their daily life and work.

Learnable is the coordinator and the partner responsible for supporting the management, impact and sustainability of the project.

The partnership includes other 6 partners coming from 6 different countries: The Technology Park of Andalucia and The University of Malaga (Spain), ECECE (Austria), Flow Productions (Portugal), EDU PLAYGROUND (Bulgaria), Social Hackers (Greece).

We want to upskill adults learners with Blockchain basic skills

On 9 and 10 June, the first Kick-off meeting was held in Pesaro organised by Learnbale staff (project coordinator).

We discussed the project activities (Management, Dissemination, Quality Assurance) and focused on the production of the first deliverable: B-Skills Toolkit that will provide educators with materials and support tools needed to implement, support, manage and evaluate effective blockchain training for adult learners.

The meeting allowed the partners to get to know each other better and created a good collaborative atmosphere.

If you are interested in exploring the project, you can visit the official webpage here.
B-Skills project also has a Facebook page and a Linkedin page.

Follow us to stay up-to-date!