Pixel - Kick-off meeting
The Pixel kick-off meeting was held in Pesaro (Italy) on 20-21 November 2023.
The main goal of the project is to innovate the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) in partner countries, supporting business creation, innovation and growth by taking advantage of blockchain technology and in particular NFTs (NonFungible Tokens).
During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present their organisations and define the work plan for the coming months.
The topics discussed were as follows:
- Project Overview and Results, with a focus on the first project activity, namely the production of the Toolkit that will provide freelancers and workers in workers in Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) with contents, materials and tools on how to properly access, use and integrate NFTs in their work.
- Project Dissemination and Expected Outcomes
- Administrative and supporting documents that are required for successful project management and reporting

The partnership will now be engaged in conducting a local focus group aimed at local experts in blockchain and Cultural and Creative Sectors that will highlight the most relevant and common topics, contents and tools on how to access and use NFTs in the partner countries.
To stay up-to-date on project developments, soon will be available the project website and the Social media pages (Facebook Page and Linkedin Page).
ACTIVE - Final Transnational Meeting in Bratislava
The final transnational project meeting was successfully held in Bratislava (Slovakia) on November 13-14, 2023, hosted by Škola Felix in collaboration with Responsible Society. All project partners from 5 different countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, and Poland) attended the two-day meeting, with at least 2 staff members per organization. In total, 12 participants were involved.
Throughout various sessions, participants had the opportunity to discuss the results achieved so far and the activities planned by the end of the project.
Special attention has been given to the Dissemination, Multiplier Events and the Final Report.
If you would like to stay updated on the project results, please contact us and consult this website or the other project communication channels at the following links:
MakeMyFuture Final Transnational Project Meeting

The third transnational project meeting was successfully held in Málaga (Spain) on 26-27 October 2023, hosted by the Málaga TechPark in collaboration with IES Martin de Aldehuela.
All project partners from 5 different countries (Spain, Germany, Malta, Italy and Poland) attended the two-day meeting with at least 2 staff members per organisation. A total of 20 participants were involved.
During the various sessions, participants had the opportunity to discuss the results achieved so far and the activities planned by the end of the project.
Special attention has been given to sharing partner experiences during the testing of project results and to discussing the project’s sustainability.

During the second day, IES Martin de Aldehuela invited all partners to visit the workshops the school organised, which used 3D Printing, Laser cutting, and maker tools.
If you would like to stay updated on the project results, please contact us and consult this website or the other project communication channels at the following links:
Moreover, you can join our Community of Practice where people with similar interests from Europe and beyond can be part of and exchange ideas, resources, and good practices related to the topics of the project.
In each partner country, we successfully conducted a series of online seminars, actively involving companies, managers, and workers.
The focus was on enhancing awareness and skills in ICT sustainability, recognizing the benefits of green practices, and planning for the sustainable implementation of ICTs.
Led by ECECE as the leading partner, the partnership defined a set of learning outcomes described in terms of knowledge, skills, and competencies for the Green Digital Workshops. Based on the highlighted learning outcomes, a framework for the workshops was produced, describing the duration of the sessions, contents, and tools.
The programme covered the following topics:
- Impact of ICTs (evidence and trends)
- Sustainable and effective implementation of ICTs in companies
- How to implement sustainable measures in companies
- The benefits for companies (reduction of costs, visibility, competitive advantages, etc.)
- Testimonials and practical results from the Green Digital Workshops
- Good practices
In total, 46 participants attended the conferences in all partner countries (Italy, Denmark, and Austria). They included workers, managers, or companies interested in introducing sustainable digital practices in their organizations.
To stay updated on project developments, please visit the project website and social media pages (Facebook and Linkedin).
MakeMyFuture MOOC – first release
The first draft of the MakeMyFuture MOOC has been published. The third result of the MakeMyFuture project is an online course designed to equip VET teachers and educators with essential knowledge, skills, and competence to create innovative maker-based modules aligned with Industry 4.0.
It is divided into 9 main modules including a quiz at the end of each module:
- Module 1: Industry 4.0 Fundamentals
- Module 2: Industry 4.0 competences
- Module 3: New Trends in Industry 4.0
- Module 4: What is Maker Methodology?
- Module 5: Maker Tools for Industry 4.0
- Module 6: Maker methodology for education
- Module 7: Maker projects for Industry 4.0 profiles step by step
- Module 8: Supervision and safety in Maker projects for Industry 4.0 profiles
- Module 9: Promotion of Maker Methodology in Education

You can access the English version of the MOOC using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
If you have any suggestions or changes to the contents of the document, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu.
To discover more about the project, visit the official website.
Enjoy the training!
B-Skills Simulator- First release

The first draft of the B-Skills Simulator was produced. The second result of the B-Skills project is a game-based online simulator reproducing in a visual way how Blockchain works.
The main purpose is to allow adult learners to understand in a simple way complex concepts related to Blockchain providing an accessible and motivating environment to promote adult learners’ engagement.
The B-Skills Simulator specifically focuses on the financial aspects of Blockchain, particularly in relation to cryptocurrencies. It serves as a guide for adults, teaching them how to conduct secure transactions within the realm of Blockchain, thereby equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills for safely managing everyday transactions.

The online game simulator is structured across three levels, strategically designed to facilitate a gradual comprehension of cryptocurrency usage, aligning with the user’s learning pace.
You can check out the English version using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
If you have any suggestions or changes to the contents of the Simulator, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu.
To discover more about the project, visit the official website.
Enjoy the reading!