UX@School Handbook – first release
The first draft of the UX@School Handbook was produced in English version.
The Handbook is the first project result and is designed for secondary school teachers and educators working in secondary schools, providing them with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively create learning scenarios with a high level of accessibility, inclusivity, effectiveness, and engagement.

The Handbook is structured into distinct chapters as the following:
1. From the Student-Centred Approach to the UX Design: This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of a Student-Centred Approach and how UX Design can be applied in educational settings.
2. The UX@School approach: This chapter explains how to effectively use the UX@School Online Tracking System and the UX@School MOOC within educational contexts.
3. Guidelines, tools, and resources for getting the students’ perceptions: This chapter offers practical guidance on how to get students’ perceptions and feedback, facilitating effective learning processes.
4. School strategy based on UX Design principles: Tailored to educators’ needs, this chapter presents tools and templates for planning a school strategy based on UX Design principles.
5. Tools for improving accessibility, effectiveness, and engagement of digital education materials: This chapter introduces various online tools designed to enhance the accessibility, effectiveness, and engagement of digital education materials.
You can check out the English version using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
To stay updated on project developments, visit the project website and social media pages (Facebook and Instagram).
Enjoy the reading!
AI-Teach Online Platform
The AI-Teach online platform represents the second result of the project, providing access to all the content included in the Handbook for teachers, facilitating easy online access to the AI-Teach handbook.

The platform has been published in English and in all partner languages. To access it, you can click on the links below:
- 🇪🇺 https://sites.google.com/view/aiteachhandbook-en/introduction
- 🇮🇹 https://sites.google.com/view/aiteachhandbook-it/introduzione
- 🇵🇱 https://sites.google.com/view/aiteachhandbook-pl/wprowadzenie
- 🇨🇿 https://sites.google.com/view/aiteachhandbook-cz/%C3%BAvod
To stay updated on project developments, follow the project’s social media page on Facebook (AI-teach project) and website.
Enjoy the exploring!
Girls Self-ESTEAM project: Call for participation of female role models
GIRLS SELF ESTEAM project is a KA2 project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme in the school sector,
The aim is to empower young girls and teachers in ESTEAM by providing the necessary tools and resources to improve their skills and knowledge in these fields, to encourage and support their participation, and to increase their confidence and motivation to pursue and succeed in ESTEAM careers. This will benefit young girls and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce, reducing the gender gap and driving innovation and economic growth.
The project will develop:
a) ESTEAM educational materials (Curriculum and Training Module);
b) a virtual e-Museum of successful women in ESTEAM fields, featuring female role models and their achievements;
b) Capacity Building Camps and Festival, where young girls, teachers, experts, role models and other stakeholders can participate in workshops, mentoring sessions, and hands-on activities building knowledge, skills and confidence in ESTEAM fields.

We are currently seeking dynamic and accomplished women in entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) in Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Cyprus to serve as role models for young girls across Europe.
Sharing your story and achievements can empower and motivate school-age girls to pursue STEAM careers

If you have any questions, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu
To stay updated on project developments, follow the social media page on Facebook , Linkedin and the project website.
DiTwin Competence Framework - first release
The first draft of the DiTwin Competence Framework was produced in English version and translated into all partners’ languages.
It is the first project result of the DiTwin project, and it is designed to support VET schools and teachers to continue upskilling VET students with the competencies required by Industry 4.0, connecting the VET sector to the latest developments in the labour market. The main aim is to support the school-to-work transition of VET students, preventing the high unemployment rate of young people in partner countries and workforce shortcomings for the Industry 4.0 sector.

This document references 11 profiles required by Industry 4.0 in partner countries (Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Poland) related to students who have completed the 4th and 5th EQF level of education. They are described in terms of knowledge, skills, and competencies using a common language, based on the learning outcomes approach that can be understood across Europe.
- Additive Manufacturing technician
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC) operations technician
- Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Designer
- Automation technician for Industry 4.0
- IT Communication technician for Industry 4.0
- Data Analyst for Industry 4.0
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technician for Industry 4.0
- Internet of Things (IoT) technician for Industry 4.0
- Remote and predictive maintenance technician
- Robot machines technician for Industry 4.0
- Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technician for Industry 4.0
If you have any suggestions or changes to the document’s contents, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu
To stay updated on project developments, follow the social media page on Facebook , Linkedin and the project website.
Enjoy the reading!
Pixel Toolkit – First release
The first draft of the Pixel Toolkit was produced in English version.
It is the main project result of the Pixel project. It is designed for freelancers and individual artists, professionals, and companies working in the Cultural and Creative sector with contents, materials, and tools supporting proper and safe access and use of blockchain and NFTs.
The methodology employed in producing this document is as follows:
– Focus groups were conducted in each participating country (Italy, Bulgaria, and Lithuania) to highlight the most relevant and common topics, contents, and tools related to the use of NFTs for CC companies in the partner countries. 15 respondents, including freelancers, individual artists, and professionals working in the CC sector participated in these activities.
– The lead partner, Learnable, compiled all the findings and generated a comprehensive report summarising the key insights.
– The structure of the Toolkit was defined and shared with the partners. Subsequently, the contents of the Toolkit were developed through collaborative efforts among the Pixel partners, with each contributing to its creation based on their respective expertise.
The Toolkit is structured into distinct chapters, covering the following themes:
- The benefits of blockchain and NFTs for CCIs and companies, freelancers and individual artists: This chapter shows methods to increase visibility and broaden audience reach using NFTs, with a focus on both companies and individual artists. Additionally, it includes exploring the use of NFTs to protect copyright and intellectual property rights, with practical illustrations. Furthermore, it examines different avenues for monetization facilitated by NFTs, such as direct sales, royalties, and collaborations, and offers an extensive list of monetization strategies.
- How to properly access and use NFTs (practical guide): This chapter serves as a guide for navigating the complex world of NFTs. It explores the fundamentals of NFTs, including crypto wallets and digital art marketplaces, offering step-by-step instructions for minting NFTs using Phantom Wallet on Mallow.art marketplace.
- Business development and resilient strategies using NFTs: This chapter introduces different approaches to using NFTs for fostering business growth within the culture and creative sectors. It explores the application of NFTs in marketing, brand development, and community interaction, particularly emphasising social media tactics and collaborations. Furthermore, it investigates innovative NFT applications beyond digital art, spanning music, performance arts, gaming, royalties, collectables, and social impact endeavours. Additionally, it examines how NFTs bolster economic resilience for artists and creators by diversifying income streams and broadening market access. Lastly, it addresses environmental concerns linked to blockchain technology, exploring sustainable practices and eco-conscious solutions.
- Case Studies: Offering real-world insights, this section presents exemplary case studies of successful NFT projects, offering valuable insights and inspiration for freelancers and individual artists, professionals, and companies working in the CC sector in proper and safe access and use of blockchain and NFTs.
You can check out the English version using this link. Translated versions in the partnership languages will also be released shortly.
If you have any suggestions or changes to the document’s contents, please write to us at the following email address: giulio@learnable-europe.eu.
To stay updated on project developments, follow the project’s social media page on Facebook (Pixel project), Linkedin (Pixel project eu), and website.
Enjoy the reading!
Area Kick-off meeting
The Area (Augmented REality for Schools) kick-off meeting was held in Fano (Italy) on 9-10 May 2024.
The project’s main goal is to provide extensive resources and support to make AR far more affordable, accessible, and effective for schools.
Despite the enormous potential of AR, many schools have not been able to take full advantage of it for various reasons including; financial restraints, lack of expertise or appreciation of how it can enrich teaching and learning.
This project brings together partners and experts in education, technology and STEAM that are Learnable form Italy, Ecece from Austria, Indicia as project coordinator and Skola Felix from Slovakia and E3stem from Greece.
During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present their organisations and define the work plan for the coming months.
If you are interested in the topic and want to know more, visit the project website and the project’s Facebook page.