Five project ideas for your next Erasmus+ cooperation projects
The new Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 is coming and the next seven years will be an extraordinary journey into the European education ecosystem. All of us will have the possibility to build new competencies, share experiences and find new spectacular paths for innovating our daily practices.
It is an opportunity for impact on our communities and at the same time, embrace European values.
Let’s start with your Erasmus+ project! If you don’t know how don’t worry! Here you can find some articles that will be useful to you!
And to give you some inspiration here are some project ideas that need to be developed!
1.Reverse Mentoring for improving e-skills in companies
Sector: VET
Problem to be solved: Companies, in particular SMEs, have often not realised the importance of digital transformation for their businesses. For European enterprises to compete, grow and create jobs, EU Member States must ensure that they have access to a large pool of people who can lead the high-tech innovation and transformation of their industry. The COVID-19 pandemic might have even reinforced this trend and thus increased the challenges/pressure. It is fundamental to have leaders and managers able to exploit the full potential of digital tools with high levels of digital literacy.
Innovation: Reverse mentoring pairs younger employees with executive team members to mentor them on various topics of strategic and cultural relevance. One of them is definitely the use of ICT tools. The methodology is focused on regular interactions between the mentor (digitally-affine or native) and the mentee (senior manager). Senior workers will learn new skills and break out of their comfort zones, while younger employees will learn important business basics they didn’t pick up in the classroom.
2. Young Digital Leaders
Sector: Youth
Problem to be solved: Young people extensively use digital tools, but unexpectedly they don’t have the appropriate competencies to do so. Young people seem to be digital savvy, but do young people in the EU really have digital skills? In 2019, four in five young people (80%) aged 16 to 24 in the European Union (EU) had basic or above basic digital skills. At the same time we can highlight that in 2019, 94% of young people in the EU-27 made daily use of the internet, compared with 77% for the whole population.
Now, more than ever, young people should achieve advanced digital skills, so as to exploit the full potential of digital tools and avoid risks.
Innovation: The project aims to provide a training path for young digital leaders that will act as ambassadors in their communities, schools, associations, and even companies. The training path will provide hard and soft skills needed to guide and assist other people in achieving digital skills and use them to reach full digital citizenship.
3. A serious game for pro-environmental behaviour change in students
Sector: School
Problem to be solved: Many of the world’s greatest challenges, from poverty to displacement, wildlife extinction to extreme weather events, are being intensified by climate change. Since climate change is a global issue and cannot be solved by a single person, it is necessary to expand awareness and empower people to deal with this topic, starting from the education community. It is fundamental to help young people understand what climate change is and what they can do to help tackle it.
Innovation: The project wants to develop a serious game environment for raising the awareness of students on the climate change process and give them behavioural models. Serious games are effective and highly motivating educational tools capable of changing users’ attitudes and producing pro-environmental behaviour change. The serious game environment will be based on activities that can be integrated into the standard curriculum, so as to make lessons more relevant and engaging.
4. Artificial Intelligence as a supporting tool for analysing class sentiment in online educational environments
Sector: School
Problem to be solved: Online and distance learning can reduce the possibilities for a teacher to perceive emotional feedback from students. Without a realistic perception of the class sentiment, teachers cannot detect some needs, students’ mood, or psychological problems.
Innovation: Artificial Intelligence can be used to analyse the texts produced by students through assignments, essays, and diaries and monitoring the class sentiment. Sentiment analysis attempts to automatically identify and recognize opinions and emotions in text. The project wants to provide supporting materials and a training path for helping teachers in implementing this technology and making online environments more inclusive.
5. Boosting digital health literacy to enhance the resilience of the adult population
Sector: Adult education
Problem to be solved: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it becomes crucial to design, identify, or scale-up useful and necessary interventions, both in terms of training and social impact, in the field of Digital Health Literacy. In fact, studies showed up the need to activate concrete actions in order to increase citizens’ awareness of socio-health issues and, in particular, to guarantee digital health literacy for all those who, for various reasons (age, language, education), are completely disarmed both on the technological and on the communication front.
Innovation: The project aims to provide a training path for adult educators equipping them with hard and soft skills needed to guide and assist adult people in achieving digital skills applied to the health sector and use them to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, produce a more accurate diagnosis and treatment and facilitate communication with health professionals.
If you already have a project idea in mind and you don’t know if it is feasible, here you find a checklist that might help you.
Ready to start?